CHRISTOPH OBERHOLZER -VON TOLNAI                                                 DE         EN

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2004- 2006  different Materials, 47 x 47 x 205 cm

The viewer's gaze of the work Transitions follows the water. Limestones that have been in the same place for thousands of years and have been eroded by rainwater in such a way that holes are formed are shown in a showcase from above. Next to it are drawings that show the same stones from below. The language of the rock surface from above and below is fundamentally different. The holes in the stones resemble grottos and in grottos the lime is released again as stalactites and stalagmites.

Intarsia of Alpine waters

2005 Beeswax, silk thread   on plywood, 91 x 91 cm

Structures of mountain ridges in Europe

2005 Indian ink on paper, 92 x 92 cm

"If you look more closely at the map, you will notice that the mountain ranges of eastern Switzerland and the neighboring countries of Austria, Lichtenstein and

Germany as electromagnetic discharge lightning points in the direction of Gonzen. This phenomenon first struck me within the circles depicted and I extended my attention to the mountain ranges of Europe. Even in this huge scenic dimension, a surprising number of mountain ranges point geometrically exactly in the direction of Gonzen.” CH.O.2005

The circular depiction charmingly refers to the retina of the eye, which in turn appeals to the limitations of the human eye.

The formation of the Alps 1 swirl (Hypothesis1)

2005- 2007 Ink on paper/ colored pencil on national map, 140 x 120 cm

Recently, interesting insights into the thermodynamics of whirlpools, eddies, and many other short-lived, low-entropy systems have been gained through the studies of Iiya Prigogini and his co-workers. "Phenomena such as whirlpools and eddies arise by themselves with a sufficient flow of free energy."

The map with an analysis of the Alpine mountain ranges is presented together with a geological flow theory that offers an alternative explanation for the formation of the rock strata in the Alps. The center of this whirlpool is the mountain Gonzen SG/CH. The circle drawn on the map can be compared with the oscillating pool in the work

"The formation of the Alps 2 swirl)


Science of evidence based possibillities     2004- 2009

The formation of the Alps 2 swirl (Hypothesis1)

2005- 2007 different materials, 41 x 60 x 172 cm

Experimental arrangement: A basin with sand and individual pebbles is made to vibrate with bass feedback. The pebbles move in the whirlpool towards the middle and dive down to soon rise again at the edge of the pool. Two whirlpools are documented with individual images and the movements of the pebbles are drawn. Compared to the Alpine mountain ranges, rocks lying at the bottom of the valley are a hallmark of the Rhine Valley between Tamins GR/CH and Lake Constance as well as between Sargans and Walenstadt. Where the pebbles rise again in the basin, the so-called loop formation can be discovered in the mountains (vertical layers of rock), as well as metamorphic rocks lying around (structure created by high pressure and temperature loads).

The earth is growing (Hypotheses2)

2005- 2007 different materials, 110 x 110 x 116 cm

"The earth grows along lines of tension between the poles." Christoph Oberholzer. 2006

"The earth grows along rays from the center of the earth." Christoph Oberholzer 2007


2005 – 2007 different materials, 113 x 113 x 255 cm

"The biosphere can be regarded as the area of ​​the earth's crust in which cosmic rays are converted into effective, terrestrial energy, electrical, thermal, chemical, etc. by transformation." Wladimir Wernadski 1911

Physiognomy of the earth (Hypotheses3)

2006- 2007  different materials, ball diameter 65 cm

"Mountain formation along lines of tension between the active and the no longer active poles." Christoph oberholzer 2006

Nine lines of tension show the earth's growth zones since the rupture of the spherical supercontinent Pangea.

PDF D: Hypotheses3 (just in german)

PDF D: Hypotheses2 (just i German)

PDF D:Hypotheses1 (just i German)

PDF : 9 lines of tension

hypothesis 1

the formation of the alps - swirl

hypothesis 2

the earth is growing

hypothesis 3

physiognomy of the earth